Enabling CXF goodies in Spring Boot

In this post we are going to add some of the CXF features to our existing app that we developed in previous post. These features are : ID Logging Jackson Provider for POJO to JSON conversion Swagger 2 documentation Step 1: Configuration class Create a RestServer class in config package as shown below package org.blog.config;… Read More Enabling CXF goodies in Spring Boot

PL/SQL Cheatsheet

PL/SQL Syntax for reference Basic PL/SQL block DECLARE –variable declarations go here BEGIN –program logic goes here END; Functions – Named pl/sql blocks mainly used for computation and not for write operations. They return value to the caller as defined in function. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myFunc( arg1_in IN VARCHAR2, arg2_in VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN AS RETURN true; END;… Read More PL/SQL Cheatsheet


CAP and ACID are two distinct terms that are used often in database world, where ACID is used to define properties of a database and CAP is actually used to determine distributed systems nature. ACID stands for Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability Before going into the meaning of these terms one should be fairly aware of… Read More CAP & ACID

Procedural Programming with one while and switch cases

A well known folk theorem in computer science is that any program can be transformed into a semantically equivalent program of one procedure containing one switch statement inside a while loop. The transformation involves rewriting the program so that each case of the switch is an elementary operation of the original program followed by an… Read More Procedural Programming with one while and switch cases